The Django Unchained panel has been over for a bit, and now that my IPAD has a few minutes of power, best to get right into the few things I found interesting from it. Quentin Tarantino talked quite a bit about his influences and inspiration for the film, and one thing he said that was interesting was how much Shaft had to do with it. He says that in his mind, Django(Jamie Foxx) and his wife, Broomhilda von Shaft(Kerry Washington) have a son, who begins an entire family line that leads up to the iconic dude who will "stand up for his brotha man". Y'damn right.
He also revealed that one of the characters in the film is related to a character from a previous movie, but he wouldn't say which one. I'm guessing it's Samuel L. Jackson's house slave. Call it a hunch.
Jonah Hill, who has come and gone and come back again over the last few months, will be playing very much against type as a member of a KKK group.
Cool stuff. Gotta jet, but there will be more to come shortly.
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