Sigh. I hate the Paranormal Activity movies. Give me classic horror like Suspiria and Rosemary's Baby, and I'm totally fine! But these repetitive, low-budget "ghost" stories scare me like none other. I watched Paranormal Activity 3 (which gave us the still above, with those two creepy girls and their invisible friend/tormentor) through my hands the whole time, and I bet the same thing will happen with Paranormal Activity 4, which dropped a new teaser trailer today.
What can we expect from Paranormal Activity 4? Well, this teaser trailer doesn't give us much, just some scenes from the previous films and a mysterious blonde at the end. But we do know that actress Katie Featherston will be back as the possessed Katie, whom we saw briefly in Paranormal Activity 3 but more heavily in the original and Paranormal Activity 2. Paranormal Activity 3 directors Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman will also be back, so perhaps we can expect a witchy vibe like that film, or another oscillating camera fan? I don't even know. I don't even want to think about it. Memories of these films are coming back that I do not appreciate, people!
Paranormal Activity 4 will be released on Oct. 19, 2012, and a full trailer will debut on Wednesday, Aug.1. For the teaser trailer, click through!