
Christopher Eccleston is Malekith the Accursed in 'Thor: The Dark World'

It was pretty disappointing when Mads Mikkelsen had to drop out of the villain role in Thor: The Dark World because...well, Mads Mikkelsen kicks so much ass. At the time of his departure, we still had no idea who the villain in the film would be. Early rumors had him pegged for Skurge the Executioner, but when 'The Dark World' emerged as the film's subtitle, that had people guessing the Dark Elves and their leader Malekith the Accursed may be in the picture. And now today we get not only confirmation that Malekith will be at least one of the bad guys Thor will be squaring off against, but also the man cast in the role.

Deadline reports that Christopher Eccleston, who I remember mainly from 28 Days Later and as Destro in G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, has landed the Malekith role. Malekith, who rules the Dark Elves of Svartalfheim, has been known to work with Loki(Tom Hiddleston) on occasion, as well as a tendency for using humans as pawns in his schemes. Sounds like a perfect recipe for Jane Foster(Natalie Portman) to be made a damsel in distress because...well, what else is she hanging around for at this point?

Thor: The Dark World is directed by Alan Taylor and hits theaters on November 8th 2013.

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