Those thinking Warner Brothers would definitely follow the ultra successful Marvel mold in crafting their own shared DC Universe, were likely thrown for a loop when Zack Snyder said this about how Man of Steel relates to a Justice League movie...
Snyder: It doesn’t. Like what Chris Nolan is doing and what I’m doing with Superman, what they’ll do with Justice League will be it’s own thing with it’s own Batman and own Superman. We’ll be over here with our movie and they’ll kinda get to do it twice which is kinda cool’
It didn't make sense then, and a year later it sounds like ridiculous claptrap. For one, we've now seen The Avengers gross more money than the GDP of many small countries, and Warner Brothers shit the bed with Green Lantern. So it comes as no surprise that we may be seeing a change of tactics, and the possibility of Man of Steel and Justice League tying together becoming more likely.
In a small blurb about the studio's future prospects, THR mentions that Warner Brothers "will try to resuscitate Batman as a stand-alone franchise and/or as part of a planned Justice League ensemble that could connect to next summer's Man of Steel."
With Will Beal(Gangster Squad) brought on to pen the Justice League script, the thinking right now is we won't see the film until around 2015, and with no other DC Universe films before then other than Man of Steel, it makes sense to try and connect the two. Besides, trying to get people to rally around two different guys playing Superman would be damn near impossible, considering how hard it's been to find just one post-Christopher Reeve. I understand the hesitation to lock new Supes Henry Cavill into more than one potential franchise, especially after the disaster that was Brandon Routh.
What has me most intrigued is the Batman bit, though. While an eventual reboot was inevitable, I figured it would be a good many years before that happened, and we'd see some other spinoff movies(Catwoman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character) before that. If this story holds up, that doesn't seem very likely.
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