Jennifer Ehle has become something of a personal favorite of mine. The Tony award winning actress was the best part of Steven Soderbergh's Contagion, rising above the more recognizable cast with a solidly grounded performance. Later this year she'll turn up in Kathyrn Bigelow's Zero Dark Thirty, and now she's been added to the cast of Jose Padilha's Robocop remake.
After sounding like an idea nobody could really get behind, the cast MGM has put together has made Robocop one of the most promising films of next year. Joel Kinnaman(Lola Vs) will take on the titular cyborg cop, with Samuel L. Jackson, Gary Oldman, Abbie Cornish, Hugh Laurie, and the recently added Jackie Earle Haley backing him up. Ehle will play Liz Kline, who must be a new creation because she doesn't sound at all familiar.
Robocop lands in theaters on August 9th 2013. [Deadline]
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