
'Nobody Walks' trailer offers up the sexual side of John Krasinski

I legitimately have zero interest in anything Lena Dunham does. I get that people think she's talented, I know critics enjoyed her film Tiny Furniture, I understand all the hype surrounding her HBO show Girls. But I also think she's more connected than gifted; found Tiny Furniture hopelessly dull; and can't sit through an episode of Girls to save my life. I would rather give up online shopping, start eating vegetables or - gasp! - actually exercise than willingly engage in anything Dunham has done.

Which is why I'm so conflicted now that the trailer for Nobody Walks, the film Dunham co-wrote with independent filmmaker Ry Russo-Young, has popped up online. Together, the two women have crafted this Los Angeles-set tale of criss-crossing sexual agendas, with The Office's John Krasinski at its center. For people who just know Krasinski as sarcastic, well-meaning Jim Halpert, or are simply aware of him as British actress Emily Blunt's handsome real-life husband, this role seems like a serious change of pace - more erotic and sensual than any of his other roles.

What we get from the Nobody Walks trailer is that Peter (Krasinski), a whiz with sound capture and editing, agrees to help young artist (Olivia Thirlby, who will also appear in Dredd this September) finish her project while she stays in his wealthy family's home. Peter's wife, played by Rosemarie DeWitt, seems fine with it at first, but of course Thirlby's character's constant presence, and her bond with Peter, can't be that nice for a wife to see. So perhaps DeWitt's character appreciates the sexually inappropriate advances of her therapy patient, played by Justin Kirk (of TV's Weeds), and maybe she fails to pick up on her own daughter's romantic interest in one of Peter's young assistants. Who also may be falling for Thirlby's artist. Argh! Such tangled lives we weave!

I'm usually down for sexual intrigue, and it seems like the film will certainly be a stimulating sensory experience - watch the trailer for specific sounds like the clacking of a scorpion's pincers, a lemon being squeezed, etc. - which is definitely more than I can say about Dunham's other works. Nobody Walks doesn't have a definitive release date yet, but rumors are the R-rated flick will be available on VOD in September.

For the trailer, click through!