
New 'Taken 2' international trailer looks like every 'Taken 2' trailer

I'll say this about Taken 2: It makes for one very cool trailer, but they really should stop trying to make more than that. Just stick to the one trailer, show Liam Neeson chop a few random foreign hitmen in the throat, cut to Maggie Grace looking terrified on a telephone, and just leave it there! We've seen more than our share of trailers for the film, including what is now the second international one, and there's just no difference between any of them. That might explain why they're all like sixty seconds long.

So this time ex-special agent dude Bryan Mills has made the rather idiotic mistake of taking his family to Istanbul for vacation, only to get kidnapped along with his wife(Famke Janssen) by the father of a dude he killed in the last film. Seriously. For a guy who is so knowledgeable about all the criminal activity in the world, why would you go to Istanbul???? That's going to stick in my craw the entire movie, I can see it now.  Anyway, it's up to his daughter Kim(Grace) to save the day, which should be pretty comical in and of itself.

Taken 2 is directed by the awesomely named Olivier Megaton and hits theaters on October 5th....