
Justin Timberlake to star in 'The Last Drop' for director Peter Sollett

Considering Justin Timberlake has every quality a person could ever hope for: he's successful, has unnaturally good looks, and incredibly likable; it's a shame that has never really translated on the big screen. He tends to be the best part of really forgettable flicks, but hopefully it's a trend that's about to come to an end.

Variety reports that Timberlake is set to star in the promising addiction drama, The Last Drop. Directed by Peter Sollett(Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist) and featuring a Black List script by Brandon and Phil Murphy, the film follows a functioning alcoholic and restaurant critic for New York Magazine. He realizes he must overcome his addiction and self destructive tendencies when he meets the woman of his dreams.

This is a solid move for both Timberlake and Sollett as it gives them a chance to spread their wings a little bit. Timberlake is set to star in the Coen Brothers' folk music film, Inside Llewyn Davies, which should emphasize his obvious musical talents. Earlier this month Sollett came aboard to direct Freeheld, the gay rights drama starring Ellen Page.