
Set photo gives a snake-filled look inside Darren Aronofsky's 'Noah'

My first thought after seeing this new pic from inside the famous Ark of Darren Aronofsky's Noah? Indiana Jones would be freaking the fuck out. The second thing I thought was that I'd kill for Samuel L. Jackson to make a cameo, scream about "mothafuckin' snakes" before getting devoured or something. In the image, tweeted by the director's longtime cinematographer Matty Libatique, the vaunted boat is full of the slithery reptiles and an alligator in the distance. 

So what's the deal? To the best of my knowledge, Noah was instructed by God to take a pair of every known animal, so I guess there were a heck of a lot of snakes crawling around back then. Or it's just a way for Aronofsky to make the film a little bit creepier, as we already know this won't be your traditional Sunday School retelling of Noah's famous story. There will be giants, demon angels, Cain & Abel, and plenty more you wouldn't expect. There will also be lots of raging water, presumably. Might be smart to hit the bathroom early.

Russell Crowe stars as the titular boat builder, with the rest of the amazing cast filled out by Jennifer Connelly, Douglas Booth, Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, Anthony Hopkins, Ray Winstone, Kevin Durand, and Mark Margolis. Noah drifts into theaters on March 28th 2014.