
PDC Live: The Good, The Bad, and The Disappointing in 2012

Uhhh...I didn't think that The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly had been used enough for shows like this so BOOM, there's your title!

Yes folks...it's that time of year again! We, the critics of Punch Drunk, will be joined by our very good friend Nell Minow, the Movie Mom and we are very excited to announce that also joining us tonight is 'The Cinema Siren' Ms. Leslie Combemale! Other than being in awe that we were able to convince to lovely ladies to talk with us for an hour we'll be bringing you our Top 3 films of the Year! Three you ask? Why that's an odd number....well, yeah, it would be if we weren't being extra awesome and bringing our thoughts for worst and most disappointing movie as well! But wait there's more! We're going out with a bang by bringing telling you which actors/actresses we think were the true breakout stars of the year. Join US! Didn't you know that every time someone listens to PDC Live!! a cute little puppy is born...you DO like puppies, don't you?

Join us tonight at 7pm eastern courtesy of Blogtalkradio