
Tarantino planning 'Inglourious Basterds' and 'Django Unchained' follow-up, 'Killer Crow'

Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained is out in theaters now, and other than the subject of Billy Crystal's plastic face in Parental Guidance, you'll find no more controversial subject out there. Hey, it's dealing with the issue of racism so that's to be expected, but if you thought that would keep him from tackling the subject again then you'd be way off base.

In a pretty awesome conversation with The Root(via Movieline), Tarantino discusses his hatred of American movie legend John Ford, mainly for his role in the disgustingly racist Birth of a Nation, but he also talks about his future plans. It's no secret that Inglourious Basterds and Django Unchained comprise something of a loose-knit series centered on vengeance, but Tarantino now says he's looking at the third chapter of the trilogy. He says the film may be titled Killer Crow, and follows African-American troops during WWII, using material that he left out of Inglourious Basterds. I think I know some folks who are going to be upset at this news...

Tarantino:I don’t know exactly when I’m going to do it, but there's something about this that would suggest a trilogy. My original idea for 'Inglourious Basterds' way back when was that this [would be] a huge story that included the [smaller] story that you saw in the film, but also followed a bunch of black troops, and they had been f--ked over by the American military and kind of go apes--t. They basically -- the way Lt. Aldo Raines and the Basterds are having an "Apache resistance" -- [the] black troops go on an Apache warpath and kill a bunch of white soldiers and white officers on a military base and are just making a warpath to Switzerland... I was going to do it as a miniseries, and that was going to be one of the big storylines. When I decided to try to turn it into a movie, that was a section I had to take out to help tame my material. I have most of that written. It's ready to go; I just have to write the second half of it... That would be the third of the trilogy. It would be [connected to] 'Inglourious Basterds,' too, because Inglourious Basterds are in it, but it is about the soldiers. It would be called 'Killer Crow' or something like that."

He goes on to say the film would be set in 1944 after the Normandy invasion. Look, he's made these sorts of promises before, with little actually panning out, but I think there might be a better chance of this happening. One thing's for sure, he isn't letting all of the heated rhetoric about Django Unchained slow him down in the least.

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