Bryan Singer has been pretty awesome with his use of Twitter lately, especially when to comes to keeping us apprised of X-men: Days of Future Past's production. Today he posted the above image featuring head shots of the principle cast, and there are a couple of new additions along with one powerful returnee. Daniel Cudmore, who played the organic steel hero Colossus in X-2 and X-men: The Last Stand has been confirmed as one of them. The lovely Chinese actress Fan Bingbing is another, and Deadline says she'll be taking on the role of Blink. That's an interesting one, as Blink is a teleporter, but a very different sort of one than Nightcrawler was. In the comic she started out as a child, who sacrificed her life to save the young mutants of Generation X. An adult version of Blink would re-emerge years later in an alternate timeline ruled by Apocalypse, eventually finding her way into the "normal" timeline. Apocalypse has been rumored to be a potential villain in the film. Bingbing has a small role in Iron Man 3, and if you look closely at the latest trailer you can see her. The last new face on the wall is Boo Boo Stewart, who recently played Seth Clearwater in The Twilight Saga.
Pretty awesome to have Colossus back, and it makes sense because Singer teased him so well with his first appearance.There seem to be a lot of gaps on that wall, so there may be more announcements to come. Starring James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Patrick Stewart, Jennifer Lawrence, Ian McKellen, Peter Dinklage, Nicholas Hoult, Anna Paquin, Shawn Ashmore, Ellen Page, Halle Berry, Hugh Jackman, and Omar Sy, X-men: Days of Future Past hits theaters on July 18th 2014.