
John McClane will head to Tokyo for....'Die Hardest'

Yeah, you read that headline right, and no this isn't some sort of prank. A Good Day to Die Hard took trouble-magnet cop John McClane to Russia for a film American audiences largely stayed away from. But it went great guns everywhere else, with the bulk of its $300M take from foreign markets. Bruce Willis was claiming a sixth film was happening before the last one rolled into its first theater, and now he's been proven to be a man of his word.

Fox has hired British scribe Ben Trebilcook (I SWEAR this isn't made up) to pen what is tentatively being titled Die Hardest, and will send McClane off to Tokyo where some shit will go down and Bruce Willis will look all sorts of bored and "Yippee Kai blah blah blah". If this doesn't sound dreadful enough, Trebilcook's rather oblivious statements may seal the deal...

Trebilcook: “It is extremely faithful to the franchise and characters and is a natural progression. It's also a very plausible storyline.... I feel it could be the Rocky Balboa of the Die Hard franchise."

Maybe I'm misremembering Rocky Balboa, but wasn't it kinda terrible? Whatever the case, whether this thing happens as Trebilcook plans it depends on Willis, and as we've seen over the last couple of years he's no longer very discerning on the projects he chooses. This is obviously very early on, so look for more details to arrive before too long.