Even though Star Trek Into Darkness has premiered in some spots overseas, we still have a few weeks to go before it hits our shores. This being a J.J. Abrams joint where secrecy is held above all things, the early reviews have mostly been spoiler-free, but not all of them so just be wary. Instead, it may be a good idea to tide yourself over with a new clip, because you know Abrams wouldn't let anything crucial slip through the cracks.
The latest clip leaves behind the moral quandary of yesterday's footage and shows off what's expected to be an action-heavy blast from start to finish. The scene shows Kirk (Chris Pine), Uhura (Zoe Saldana), and Spock (Zachary Quinto) flying through a treacherous area to evade a pursuer hot on their tail. A batch of new posters have also been released, some of them featuring the supporting cast who have largely been ignored thanks to all of the hype surrounding Benedict Cumberbatch.
Star Trek Into Darkness opens on May 17th.