
Is '42' star Chadwick Boseman suiting up as Marvel's 'Black Panther'?

There's little doubt that Marvel desperately wants to bring a Black Panther film to the big screen. They've been trying to piece one together for a couple of years, hiring a writer to start work on the script with nothing much coming out of it. News on the film perked up a couple of weeks ago after some oddly-timed tweets by Morris Chestnut, who was either vying for the role or already had it. Whatever his motivations were, it sounds as if Marvel is on the verge of making a final decision.

If you manage to endure the lengthy and rather pointless babble from Latino Review, you'll eventually learn that they've caught wind of the top name on the short list to play Black Panther, and it's 42 star Chadwick Boseman. The site says Marvel has been eying Boseman ever since the Jackie Robinson biopic became such a huge hit, and in keeping with their history of locking up young stars for major roles (ala Chris Hemsworth in Thor), Boseman became a likely target.

Bear in mind that many of these shortlists don't amount to much, and Latino Review in particular has a spotty track record. They don't reveal any other names on the list, or give any indication whether Chestnut is still in the running. That said, this seems like an avenue Marvel may be willing to travel down, as Boseman would clearly be an affordable option, and they can build him as another of their homegrown stars. I had Boseman as my top choice when all of the Chestnut rumors were breaking, so obviously it's a move I agree with. Make it happen, Marvel.