
Bruce Willis Says He's "Bored" of Action Flicks

Anyone who has watched Bruce Willis shuffle his way half-assed through A Good Day to Die Hard, GI Joe: Retaliation, or Red 2 has probably already noticed that he looks pretty damn bored and kind of angry. It's never been more apparent than in the last couple of weeks, where he's berated innocent interviewers (Mary Louise Parker's face is priceless) and been called out as "lazy and greedy" by his old pal Sylvester Stallone. It's not a good look for the nearly 60-year-old Willis, and now we find out the reason he's been so cantankerous is that he's sick of doing all those action movies, even though they're the only thing people will pay to see him in.

While talking to Spanish site XLS (reported by the Guardian), Willis said...

“Explosions are one of the most boring parts of my job. When you have seen a few fireballs, it's not exciting any more. I know part of my audience enjoys the explosions, but to be honest, I'm a bit bored of it now." 

Willis went on to show what a true thespian he is by admitting he only continues to make movies he apparently despises because they keep his wallet fat....

"I am very clear with who I am. I work in all sorts of films, but the action movies are the ones that generate the most revenue. I like to earn lots of money from those, but I do all types: small productions, mega-projects, medium-sized, even science fiction."

"Small productions" is probably in reference to those straight-to-DVD shit shows he makes with 50 Cent, which he probably gets paid mad loot for. Because let's face it, he probably didn't make squat for Lay the Favorite, a movie that featured no explosions and still had Willis looking very disinterested. Remember all of the negative stuff Kevin Smith said about him after the admittedly-awful Cop Out? It's attitudes like this that are confirming a very ugly narrative around Willis, and with A Good Day to Die Hard the lowest grossing of the franchise since the original, maybe it would be wise to perk up before Die Hard 6 because this isn't going to make anybody more likely to pay for it.