
Joel Edgerton Joins Christian Bale in Ridley Scott's 'Exodus'

The Bible is totally hot right now, with the highest-rated miniseries of the year and Darren Aronofsky delivering his big-budget epic, Noah, next March. Along with that, Ridley Scott has been developing his Moses biopic Exodus for some time, but it really took off when Christian Bale was eyed for the title role last spring, and it looks like he's now officially on board with a hot co-star ready to get all Biblical and stuff.

Joel Edgerton, coming off a fierce turn in Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby, is in talks to play the pharoah Ramses in the film, which features a most recent rewrite by Steve Zaillian. Apparently he wasn't Scott's first choice, with The Wrap noting that Javier Bardem was offered the role but turned it down, which is weird because it would have given him another chance to sport a wacky hairdo, or at least a cool headdress. The story will chronicle the relationship between the two, Moses' leading of the Israelites out of Egypt, probably that trick with the Red Sea, the Ten Commandments, and other stuff I only know about from movies. They took that whole 40 days and 40 nights thing from the Josh Hartnett movie, right?

So outside of the...ahem...colorless casting it's still the sort of big budget period drama that Scott is extremely good at. Filming is set to begin next month and there will probably be other huge stars added before then. Exodus is slated to open on December 12th 2014.