
Latest Sketchy 'Star Wars' Rumor Has Obi-Wan Kenobi Returning...Sorta

Whenever a movie like Star Wars: Episode 7 is being developed, it's expected that rumors will fly around endlessly. Most won't amount to anything, but what every news site will conflate whatever tiny bit of information they get into a major headline. The Star Wars rumors have gotten a little ridiculous, especially since the script by Michael Arndt is still being developed, and now there's another one to add to the growing scuttlebutt pile.

Latino Review, who also broke the previous "thin as a mint" rumor that Emperor Palpatine would be returning for the film, now say that Ewan McGregor is "confirmed" to come back as Obi-Wan Kenobi. Only he won't be back in physical form, because...well, he's dead as a doornail...but instead he'll be a "Force Ghost". They say that three sources have given the thumbs up to this story, and I'd like to have a conversation with whoever these folks are, and ask them why Obi-Wan's astral form got younger over the years. When last we saw it at the end of Return of the Jedi, it was looking quite old and very Alec Guinness-like.

So as always, shrug your shoulders at this rumor until somebody legit confirms it.