
'The Wolf of Wall Street' Gets a New Trailer and Lengthy Run Time

After weeks of wondering if Martin Scorsese would have The Wolf of Wall Street ready in time to make the Oscar race, those fears were somewhat assuaged when the film was given a Christmas release date. But to hammer home the point just a little bit further, Paramount has released a brand new trailer offering up a different look at the crazy Wall Street tale of excess.

Based on Jordan Belfort's best-selling memoir, the film stars Leonardo DiCaprio as the Wall Street fat cat whose penchant for drugs and crooked stock deals took him from the high life to a prison cell. Jonah Hill puts in what looks like another solid supporting turn as his partner Donnie Azoff, no slouch in the debauchery department, either.

The major hurdle Scorsese had to overcome was editing down what was said to be an extremely long cut of the film, but apparently he didn't do all that much because the running time clocks in at 2 hours and 45 minutes. So you might want to go to the bathroom beforehand and stock up (pun intended!) on snacks.