
*UPDATE* "Veronica Mars" movie will be released March 14, 2014; Plus a New Clip

*UPDATE* And to make this announcement just a little more awesome we've included the first official clip. Rejoice!

REJOICE, MARSHMALLOWS: The "Veronica Mars" movie - titled, simply, "Veronica Mars" will be released Friday, March 14, 2014. Dance! Rejoice! Huzzah! JOY AND DELIGHT.

By now you know the deal. You know how rabid us "Veronica Mars" fans are for this movie. And with the release date in place, things seem a little bit brighter today.

Other notable news about the "Veronica Mars" movie? It will get a wider distribution from Warner Brothers than originally intended - no word on how many theaters yet, but we know it will be in more than first planned - and a test screening went really well, according to a chat "Veronica Mars" creator Rob Thomas had with Entertainment Weekly. So, cool! Cool, cool cool.

Check out the Entertainment Weekly story for an exclusive clip from the film, and try to keep your squealing to a minimum. Or scream your joy from the rooftops! I'm doing it.

(Oh, and that picture of all the guys from "Veronica Mars," wet? That's for you, friends.)