
Steven Spielberg to Produce, Possibly Direct 'The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara'

Ever since he put big budget sci-fi film Robopocalypse on the shelf, Steven Spielberg has toyed with a number of potential projects. He briefly looked at American Sniper with Bradley Cooper, while recently adding a West Side Story remake and a Montezuma film to his pile of possibilities. And while nothing is solid at this point, he's still adding one more to the list.

Spielberg is set to produce and possibly direct an adaptation of David Kertzer's book, The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara, and the real-life material is some truly fascinating stuff. Penned by Tony Kushner (Munich), the story takes place in 1858 Bologna, where six-year-old Italian Jew Edgarto Mortara is abducted by the church police and taken to Rome to be raised Catholic, eventually becoming a priest.

It's not clear when this would roll or where it fits in Spielberg's schedule, but it likely won't be his next project if he decides to direct. Then again, with material this strong Dreamworks and The Weinstein Company may want to get moving on it fast. [THR]