
Adam Driver's 'Star Wars' Role Revealed?

When the Star Wars: Episode VII cast was announced a couple of weeks ago, it confirmed months of rumors that Adam Driver (Girls, Inside Llewyn Davis) would have a role in the film. And that role was said to be that of the primary villain, possibly a Darth Vader-esque figure. Now a new rumor has surfaced over at Jedi News that kind of confirms this, but with a twist many probably weren't expecting.

The story goes that Driver's character will be seduced to the dark side, but he will also be the son of Han and Leia. The thrust of the story will be their attempts to bring him back over to the side of good.  That sounds like it would be the plot of the entire trilogy rather than just the next movie, but until something is confirmed by Lucasfilm, which isn't likely with Abrams at the helm, consider it a rumor for now.

Star Wars: Episode VII opens December 18th 2015.