You may recall last year there were two "terrorists attack the White House" movies that were essentially the same. One was Roland Emmerich's White House Down, which had a pretty powerful duo in Channing Tatum and Jamie Foxx starring. But the one that actually performed better (domestically, anyway) was Antoine Fuqua's Olympus has Fallen which put Gerard Butler in the role of hero. With $161M in the bank, a badly-titled sequel was ordered up and now we know who will be at the helm for it.
According to THR it will be Fredrik Bond directing London has Fallen, which as we previously learned will have much of the original cast returning. So who is this Bond guy and is he an undercover secret agent? No, he's the director behind the Shia LaBeouf crime-romance Charlie Countryman, which was pretty terrible even though it was basically one long music video. Butler will be back as Secret Service agent Mike Banning, with Aaron Eckhart as the POTUS, and Morgan Freeman is returning as well. Here's the synopsis released some weeks ago:
The sequel begins in London, where the British Prime Minister has passed away under mysterious circumstances. His funeral is a must-attend event for leaders of the Western world. But what starts out as the most protected event on earth, turns into a deadly plot to kill the world's most powerful leaders and unleash a terrifying vision of the future. Only three people have any hope of stopping it: the President of the United States, his formidable secret service head (Butler), and an English MI-6 agent who rightly trusts no one.
London has Fallen opens October 2nd 2015.