
Honest Trailer for 'Godzilla' has More Godzilla than 'Godzilla'

Earlier this year Gareth Evans gave us Godzilla, the best American Godzilla movie ever, which isn't really saying much at all. That's what the Screen Junkies rightfully claim in their latest Honest Trailer for the blockbuster, which grossed more than $500M worldwide while eating some pretty hefting criticism. The main bone of contention is the lack of any actual Godzilla; this trailer counting just over 11 minutes of screen time for the friggin' title character while we instead spend more time watching Aaron Taylor-Johnson run around the country accomplishing nothing. And for those who claim that we only saw Jaws for a few minutes? That was okay because the human characters were actually interesting and doing things that seemed like they mattered.

Anyway, Godzilla was a huge hit and the next two chapters will head into production once Evans wraps up his Star Wars spinoff. Check out the Honest Trailer and judge if they're accurate or not.

Honest Trailers - Godzilla (2014). by TrailerNow