
Seth Rogen to Play Steve Wozniak in Steve Jobs Biopic; Jessica Chastain Sought for Role

While Steve Jobs is the first person who comes to mind when thinking of Apple, there were others who had a hand in the tech giant's formation. With Christian Bale set to play Jobs in Danny Boyle and Aaron Sorkin's upcoming biopic, Seth Rogen is now on board to play his friend and Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniak.

Variety reports Rogen has signed on to play Wozniak, who has become something of a geek hero over the years. Josh Gad portrayed him in the Jobs film that released last year.  Also being eyed for an unspecified role is Jessica Chastain, although there are no details on how far into the process negotiations with her are.

No word on when filming begins but Bale, Rogen, possibly Chastain with a Sorkin script? Wow.