
Dave Bautista could Play the Kurgan in the 'Highlander' Reboot

Summit Entertainment has had a heck of a time getting their reboot of Highlander off the ground, and it probably doesn't help that few actually seem interested in it happening. Justin Lin had been attached to direct it at one point before being replaced by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, until he too dropped out and was replaced by VFX guru Cedric Nicolas-Troyan. But now he's set to direct Chris Hemsworth in The Huntsman so he could be out, as well. And all of this without any kind of lead actor set to star in the film, although that may be changing now.

According to Latino Review, Guardians of the Galaxy's Dave Bautista is set to play villain, the Kurgan, in the Highlander reboot if it ever gets going. Kurgan was portrayed by Clancy Brown in the original 1986 film and is basically a badass immortal barbarian who battles the protagonist, Connor MacLeod, in the quest to be the last of their race to survive. Bautista is currently on set playing an iconic henchman in the James Bond film, Spectre (get a glimpse of him here), and will play the brutal Tong Po in a remake of Kickboxer. So the ex-WWE superstar is keeping plenty busy.

But there's still the problem of whether Highlander actually gets moving. Ryan Reynolds was originally on board to star but he left and nobody has even been suggested since then. As for the role of his mentor, previously played by Sean Connery, the last report had Tom Cruise in consideration. Doubtful that one pans out since Cruise probably thinks he should be headlining himself, not taking a bit part opposite an unknown actor.

We'll see what happens. And given the source, perhaps we should wait for some firm confirmation Bautista is actually on board?