
New 'Batman v Superman' Photos; Batman's Connections to the Suicide Squad Revealed

Ben Affleck signing on to play the Dark Knight in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was a long time coming, and it wasn't without some hesitation on the actor's part. Affleck spoke to Empire (via CBM) about his reluctance to play the Justice Leaguer, and mostly it had to do with feeling too old for the role....

"Initially I thought, 'I'm older, it doesn't seem like the right sort of fit for me. Then Zack [Snyder] pitched me his concept for this older, more broken, kind of f**ked up Batman. It was something we haven't seen. We have seen that Batman is willing to cross the line to protect people. That vigilantism has been a part of his character all along, and we are tapping into that mentality when faced by something as potentially as deadly a Superman."

Snyder went on to add that Batman is suffering through a "crisis of conscience" and is trying to figure out what kind of hero he really is, until Superman arrives and puts everything into focus. He says...

"We want to assume that Batman has reached this point in his life and career as a superhero, and Superman represents a sort of philiophical change. He is a paradigm shift for Batman: 'I've been fighting criminals all my life, trying to find justice, and now I am confronted with a concept that is transcendent to me.' In the face of Superman, a man robbing a bank doesn't matter." 

Along with a handful of new photos showing some behind-the-scenes stuff plus a few images of Superman, Batman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, and more, it was also revealed that Batman will be a sore topic of discussion for the entire Suicide Squad. The team of villains-turned-government assets will have all been placed in jail by Batman himself, so it will be more than just the Joker (Jared Leto) and Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) who have a mad-on for him. There have been rumors that the plot of Suicide Squad is the team trying to bring Batman to justice, but that has yet to be confirmed.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice opens March 25th 2016. Suicide Squad opens August 5th 2016.