
That Fantastic Four/X-Men Crossover probably isn't going to Happen

As Sony learned when they prematurely tried to fast forward The Amazing Spider-Man into a mega-franchise, sometimes it's a good idea to relax and make quality movies first. Although there have been months of reports that 20th Century Fox's Fantastic Four was a creative disaster, and those stories seemingly backed up by the reviews, talk of a potential crossover with Bryan Singer's X-Men were persistent. Singer addressed it himself just a couple of weeks ago and seemed to endorse the idea, but he may be the only one left who is.

Fantastic Four producers Simon Kinberg and Hutch Parker, both at the center of the controversy with Trank, sent an email to the New York Daily News in which they throw some cold water on any crossover plans:

"They exist in parallel universes....The Fantastic 4 live in a world without mutants. And the X-Men live in a world without the Fantastic 4.Crossing them over would be challenging but we sure would love to see all those actors together, the way we had them on stage at (San Diego) Comic Con."

This comes hot on the heels of Trank shifting blame for Fantastic Four's harsh reviews completely on the studio, so perhaps this is the producers attempting to get some distance. Reading between the lines, Fox may be quietly closing the books on any future Fantastic Four films at all, including the sequel which was already dated for June 2017.