American disaster movies always seem to push bigger and bigger. Last year's San Andreas took out half of coastal California, and yet none of the CGI spectacle really seemed to matter. Paradoxically, the bigger they get, the more cartoonish they seem. SyFy has even turned this into a business model, making these sorts of movies specifically as self-aware jokes.
For real staying power, a disaster movie has to be smaller, like The Wave. Even a small Norwegian tourist town is enough for us to worry about, and putting all the focus on one place helps us empathize with the terror of those people caught in nature's path.

Director Roar Uthaug drew inspiration from Hollywood disasters like Twister, and obviously the most spectacular scenes are packed with computer-generated elements. But screenwriters John Kåre Raake and Harald Rosenløw-Eeg show a clear influence from even older greats, like Jaws. And indeed, it's hard not to think about Chief Brody squaring off against Mayor Vaughn when geologist Kristian (Kristoffer Joner) finds his cautious urgings overruled by his colleague Arvid's (Fridtjov Såheim) considerations about the town's tourist season.

There's nothing in The Wave that isn't straightforward and sincere. This isn't a sly, winking subversion that congratulates genre fans for recognizing standard tropes; it's a full-throated celebration of those tropes that understands both why they exist and how they can work to make a disaster movie connect with an audience. And it does connect, resoundingly.
Rating: 3 out of 5