
Marvel Is Finally Ready To Commit To A Black Widow Film

Other than Robert Downey Jr.'s Iron Man, no Avenger has had a more prominent role than Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow. She first debuted in Iron Man 2 and had appeared in four more films including this weekend's Captain America: Civil War.  Over the years there have been numerous demands from fans for Natasha to get her own solo movie, with Marvel talking a good game but never following through.

Well that may be about to change, as Marvel head honcho Kevin Feige finally seems ready to commit...

“We’ve announced the next nine movies, ten counting ‘Civil War,’ through the end of 2019. Where we go beyond that are ongoing discussions that we’ll focus on in the next few years because we have a lot to do before then. Of the characters that you’ve just mentioned I would say certainly the one creatively and emotionally that we are most committing to doing is Black Widow."

And he's not alone in wanting to see it happen. 'Civil War' directors Joe and Anthony Russo think it will definitely happen, especially in light of Johansson's recent blockbuster successes. They told Collider...

“I don’t think [it’ll take] much. I think it’s just a function of where on the slate it goes. She’s a bad-ass.” And it probably doesn’t hurt that Johansson has quickly ascended to a bankable blockbuster lead thanks to “Lucy."

So what do you think? Is a Black Widow movie something you'd like to see? Hopefully they find a place for Julie Delpy to return as that creepy taskmaster lady.