
New Trailer For Oliver Stone's 'Snowden', Which Was At Comic-Con For Some Reason

While there may be tons of superheroes, Pokemon, and other weird things going on at Comic-Con right now, the strangest may be that Oliver Stone was there with his whistleblower drama, Snowden. What in the heck? Yep, he was on hand along with stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Shailene Woodley, and Zachary Quinto, having a discussion about the film and the nature of civil liberties, privacy rights, and national security. Not sure the fanboys expected that or knew what to make of it, but it was a thing and it happened.

Stone also brought along a brand new trailer which is now available for you to check out online. Here's the synopsis, but it boils down to the story of Edward Snowden, who became (in)famous as the leaker of NSA documents, causing global firestorm.

Academy Award®-winning director Oliver Stone, who brought Platoon, Born on the Fourth of July, Wall Street and JFK to the big screen, tackles the most important and fascinating true story of the 21st century. Snowden, the politically-charged, pulse-pounding thriller starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Shailene Woodley, reveals the incredible untold personal story of Edward Snowden, the polarizing figure who exposed shocking illegal surveillance activities by the NSA and became one of the most wanted men in the world. He is considered a hero by some, and a traitor by others. No matter which you believe, the epic story of why he did it, who he left behind, and how he pulled it off makes for one of the most compelling films of the year.

Part of the discussion apparently had to do with Pokemon Go, with Stone reportedly calling it "a new level of invasion". Remember that the next time you spot a Pikachu on your neighbor's doorstep.

Snowden hits theaters on September 16th. [Deadline]