
Roman Polanski Joins With Olivier Assayas For 'Based On A True Story' Adaptation

It seems nearly impossible to have a conversation about Roman Polanski stick solely to the director's filmography. His various legal issues always get in the way, which is unfortunate because he continues to put out solid work this late into his career. That said, it's been three years since Venus in Fur and five years since Carnage, so it's good to see Polanski lining up his next project.

According to French site Allocine, Polanski will join with Olivier Assayas (Clouds of Sils Maria) for Based On a True Story, an adaptation of Delphine de Vigan's novel. Polanski will direct from Assayas' screenplay about a writer struggling after the release of his latest book, and ends up in a tough situation with an influential admirer.

Details are scarce beyond that so let's hope more is learned soon. At this point there's no guarantee the movie even gets made, much less arrives stateside. There hasn't been a wide market for Polanski movies here in a long time. Carnage had one of his most starry casts in a while and barely registered on the radar for most people. So let's see how this whole shakes out and if some big stars and a major distributor buy in.