
Todd McFarlane Says 'Spawn' Will Take Violence Further Than 'Logan' & 'Deadpool'

The same old pattern has emerged when it comes to a Spawn movie. For years we've heard that one was coming, and every time there's a comic book convention Todd McFarlane tells us how awesome it will be. The routine started up again last fall, and here we are with McFarlane chatting up a film that has no production date, no writers, not cast, nothing. But it has a shit ton of hyperbole, and here's McFarlane comparing it to Logan and Deadpool, because they're both pretty amazing.

“Listen, I’m going to paint it for you. The movie is going to be a dark R… If here’s PG-13 and here’s Deadpool and here’s Logan, we’re going to be here. It’s going to be dark. It’s going to be nasty,", he recently stated at Emerald City Comic-Con.

McFarlane still hopes to direct the movie himself, keeping the budget trim and tight. That shouldn't hold him back; the biggest hurdle will be McFarlane actually just doing the damn thing. Don't hold your breath. [Twitch]