
'Shazam!' Will Shoot Next, Possibly Without Dwayne Johnson

Warner Bros. has been struggling to find their next film to roll after the success of Wonder Woman. They wanted it to be The Flash, but it's been met with a ton of turmoil, and The Batman basically started over from scratch. In a little bit of a surprise, it will actually be Shazam! that films next, kicking off in January or Feburary of next year.

David Sandberg (Annabelle: Creation) is at the helm, but what's interesting is that the role of Captain Marvel, the character known as Shazam, hasn't been cast yet. It also isn't confirmed if Dwayne Johnson will suit up as his rival, Black Adam, even though he's set to star in a solo spinoff. It would make sense for him to debut there first, but that may not be the plan moving forward.

Shazam! is eyeing a 2019 release, which will then be followed by the Suicide Squad sequel. [THR]