
'Don't Worry He Won't Get Far On Foot' Trailer: Joaquin Phoenix Is A Controversial Cartoonist

On this week's episode of Cinema Royale, Joblo.com's Chris Bumbray and I briefly talked about Gus Van Sant's latest, Don't Worry He Won't Get Far On Foot, which is about to have its world premiere at Sundance. The Park City festival has become the go-to spot for potential Best Picture contenders (Call Me By Your Name, Manchester by the Sea, The Big Sick, Get Out, and Mudbound in the last two years), and clearly those are the designs for Van Sant's film, as well. But we both admitted Van Sant has a spotty track record of late, so it's far from a sure thing.

The trailer certainly looks as if Van Sant is back on the upswing.  Joaquin Phoenix, Rooney Mara, Jack Black, and Jonah Hill star in this look at cartoon John Callahan, who was paralyzed in an accident at the age of 21, sought help for his alcoholism, and discovered a gift for drawing edgy cartoons that would bring him fame and controversy.

Van Sant hasn't made a really good movie since Milk, so he's long overdue. He's put together the right cast to break the slump, and this looks like a terrific leading role for Phoenix, one that may earn him some notices later in the year. We might be saying the same thing for Hill, who continues to impress in dramatic supporting performances.

Don't Worry He Won't Get Far On Foot premieres at Sundance on January 19th and in theaters on May 11th. Fingers crossed I make it into the screening in a few days because this is going to be a popular pick.