
ARTEXXXXXX!!!! WB to remake 'The Neverending Story'

I thought some time ago that the Hollywood remake wagon would have to roll to a stop at some point, either I was wrong or we just haven't made it to that point. Warner Bros. has now put the childhood classic The Neverending Story on their redux list and I have a big problem with this. Now I'm not going to go off on some tirade about how Hollywood has to stop looking into the past for their ideas and start looking at scripts from unknowns...that's all been said. I do think though that while some movies benefit from being redone in an era of almost unimaginable technology some loose what made them special in the first place. The Neverending Story, Labyrinth and anything from Jim Henson to start, these films were special in their ingenuity and simplistic way to acheive the fanciful. Replacing puppets with CGI, no matter how great the CGI is, just doesn't stand up. No one can tell me that while it was cool to see Yoda in a lightsaber battle, that they preferred the CGI prequel version to the puppet OT version. The reason I say all of this is that the childrens fantasy movie used to be acheived in a real world and it made it look and feel better, more real. The only way I can get onboard with this is if they announce that it will be done by Guillermo Del Toro, the last director brave enough to opt for the real world instead of green screen.