
The To-Do List: 2/27/09

No big soapbox speeches today. I'm approximately forty minutes from watching Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li, so I gots to keep this short. It looks cheesy as all hell, kinda in the same way Dead or Alive did, but I have a sneaking suspicion this won't be nearly as good as that movie was. Street Fighter needs to be about street fighting, not globe spanning terrorist organizations. But I will give it the benefit of the doubt and hope it's not nearly as cheap as the last guy you face in Street Fighter IV.

I've got my Rorschach mask ready! Monday John and I will be attending the Watchmen screening over at Regal Gallery Place and hoping there isn't a Wizards game taking place at the same time so I don't have to fight through unearthly traffic. There's simply not much left to say about this film, and frankly I'm tired of talking about the shit anyway. I just want to see it and get it over with. I refuse to read reviews on it, yet I still know the reaction has been lukewarm.

There's nothing else that came out this week, is there? Oh, the Jonas Brothers movie. The flick that is taking all of the 3-D projectors away from Coraline showings, and for what? So we can hear bad, bubblegum, faux virgin music through our eyes? I don't get it.

The lack of releases this week should give me extra time to catch up with Joaquin Phoenix's Two Lovers, which is still only playing at Landmark E Street. Not to mention I have yet to check out Isla Fisher. Er, I mean see her movie whatever it's called. It involves shopping I think.