

We should've put this up yesterday, but honestly I'm finding it hard to get excited over it. We saw the trailer a couple of days ago ahead of A Nightmare on Elm Street, and while it was clearly the best part of the evening since Nightmare sucked hard, something about Jonah Hex is rubbing me the wrong way. It's not Josh Brolin, who I think has the look and manner of Hex down pat. Megan Fox seems to be playing the same character she always plays, coy and seductive, and even though she's hot she's just plain awful at trying to be sexy.

No, it's something else. Hex just looks...uninspired. The trailer's score doesn't get the blood pumping, the "catchy" quips weren't impressive, and I don't know what the heck that crap was with Hex bringing some guy back to life? What the hell? That wasn't in any Jonah Hex comic I ever read, not that I read many.

It's only the first full trailer, which is usually the weakest of the bunch. I'll have a firmer judgement in the coming weeks.

Jonah Hex stars Josh Brolin, John Malkovich, Megan Fox, and Michael Fassbender and is set to be released on June 18, 2010.