
1st Look at LET ME IN

The best vampire movie of the last few years didn't sport glamorous, sparkling non-bloodsuckers with fab haircuts and designer gear. In other words, it wasn't Twilight. It was the Swedish made Let the Right One In, starring Linda Leandersson as a vamp stuck in a child's body who befriends a lonely boy. The film had a moody, almost hazy look to it, presenting a side of vampires that we just hadn't seen before.

The remake, titled Let Me In, has been a bone of contention not just with me but with many of the film's fans. Generally I'm against remakes anyway, but in particualar when one is as good as Let the Right One In, I want people to take the time to experience it. Finding out that Chloe Moretz(Kick-Ass, 500 Days of Summer) would be taking on the lead role of Eli the vampire, eased by apprehension somewhat. In every film she's been in, she's stolen scenes from some of the best actors out there. She's always the most mature one in the room, it seems.

Now we're getting our first peek at how she looks in the film, and I'm not sure what to make of it. While she shares Leandersson's unique look, the image we're treated to doesn't make her appear all that mysterious or terrifying, something Leandersson had in spades. Then again this is only one shot.  Check it out, and let us know if you think Moretz has the right look.