
JJ Abrams' SUPER 8 Trailer

Ever since the news first broke that JJ Abrams was unveiling a teaser for a brand new, top secret flick to be attached to showing of Iron Man 2, the details have been coming out faster than anything I've ever seen. The buzz surrounding the project, titled Super 8, has been insane. Just like with Cloverfield, Abrams has managed to tap into people's imaginations and peak their curiosity with just the most scant of details. Just yesterday we saw the complete breakdown of the trailer, but now today here's the full trailer. It's poor quality, being a bootleg and all, but it'll do. Hell, it's already kicked off a massive viral campaign. It's definitely looking like an alien arrival flick, but just how far that idea extends is still up in the air. I don't care. I'm hyped, and May 27th 2011 cant' come fast enough. Damn 2011 is already looking tons better than 2010. Check out the trailer and let us know what you think.