
The Sunday Drive: 5/9/10

3. City Island
Somebody once told me that lies make the world go 'round. Well, in the house of the Rizzo clan, lies are like their life's blood. Andy Garcia stars as the patriarch of an Italian-American family that just can't seem to tell eachother the truth, no matter how far they have to bend to keep their secrets. A hilarious, quirky independent comedy featuring strong performances from Garcia, Juliana Marguiles, and Emily Mortimer.

2. Exit Through the Gift Shop
Every year there's one  documentary that shakes up the foundations and whisks us into a corner of the world that we've never seen. This year, that doc is Exit Through the Gift Shop, which sneaks us into the mysterious and often contradictory world of street art. Our tour guide is the world renowned guerrila artists, Banksy, who at once let's us be a part of his little club then yanks the rug right out from under us.

1. Iron Man 2
By now you've probably already seen it, but it needs to be said anyway: Iron Man 2 is one kick ass flick! The increasingly rare exception to the rule, a sequel that matches and in some ways excels upon the original. Iron Man 2 doubles up the action, the armor, and the villains to kick off the summer blockbuster season in style.

DVD Pick of the Week: Nine
Few films will make you want to jump out of your seat and hop on the first flight to Italy the way Rob Marshall's Nine does. Thanks to a bevy of catchy tunes, fast chicks and faster cars, it's a movie that could easily become bogged down in it's own glitz and  glamour. Based on Federico Fellini's classic 8 1/2, Daniel Day-Lewis stars as a selfish, egotistical director who's lost his touch, unable to find the inspiration for his next project. He's helped out of his funk by a scorching hot assemblage of beauties including Marion Cotillard, Penelope Cruz, and Kate Hudson.