Strange is one of Batman's first major villains, having been created in 1940. Although his persona has shifted a little bit from the pre-Crisis era to now, Strange is best known as an evil psychologist with a maniacal obsession with Batman. He begins dressing up as the dark knight, believing that he is the real Batman. His goal becomes to kill Batman and ultimately replace him. Most of this takes place during the 'Prey' story arc, written by Doug Moench back in 1990. Strange has also been known to work with The Scarecrow(the villain in Batman Begins
Ain't It Cool News seems to be endorsing this idea as well now, with Harry Knowles stating that he has seen "proof" that has convinced him. Ok, I'll buy that, but where exactly is this proof? To be honest, most of Harry's story is the same stuff we've seen on other sites. I'm gonna stick with the idea that this is just a rumor for now until we see something concrete show up. I for one hope it's true. How awesome would it be to see Tom Hardy and Christian Bale Batmen squaring off?