30 Day Film Challenge Day 7: A Film That Reminds You of Your Past
I never had any wacky adventures in military school, but when I was a kid again watching a movie I was too young for, I wished I got to hang out with the students at Sheldon R. Wienberg Academy. Up the Academy is a terrible movie, but one I have a lot of nostalgic love for. I could probably quote every single line of it, and a number of it's more memorable lines("There's a turd in the punchbowl!"!) have become a part of my lexicon.
To show just how awful this film is, Mad Magazine basically washed their hands of it after it was released, and it was practically impossible to find a copy even on VHS. Robert Downey Sr. directed it, and fact which I'm sure rankles him to this day. The actors pretended the film didn't exist, with the the star going so far as having his name removed from the credits. It's really only notable at this point for being the debut of future Karate Kid, Ralph Macchio.
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