
Adam McKay reveals more 'Anchorman 2' plot details

We still don't know a heck of a lot about what's in store for Anchorman 2, and the bits of information we've heard haven't added up to much. Since most of it has come from director/co-writer Adam McKay, it shows just how early into the process they are. In the beginning we'd heard word of the film being a celebrity musical, but that there hasn't been any word on that since. The first film does give us a glimpse into the 1980s futures of the Action News Team, so could that be where the sequel is headed? Not quite, but it does involve some major cultural shifts for Ron Burgundy and the gang. You know how well they all handle change, right?

Much as the first film dealt with the integration of women into the workplace, this one will deal with ethnic diversity and the evolving nature of the news business in the late 1970s, where it became more of a 24 hour news cycle. McKay tells Empire....

McKay:  "We know these guys never deal well with change," said McKay. "And the good thing is that there's a big blast of change coming, according to the regular timeline. We're going to be throwing a lot of innovation at them, and they're not going to handle it well." 

"It's right when all the news started changing with the 24-hours news cycle in '78 or '79. All of a sudden, local news stations diversified and had Latino anchors and African-American anchors, and any time you're talking about diversity and the Action News team, that's always fun to deal with."

Yeah that sounds great and all, but will we see another gang fight? McKay says he's already had some ideas for it that'll be "total bloody chaos". Sweet. We've still got a long way to go before Anchorman 2 ever hits theaters. The script is at most about 2 percent completed, according to McKay, with more ideas than actual story right now. Filming begins next year, and we may see it either around Christmas or as late as summer 2014.