
Trailer Time: 'The Impossible', starring Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor

The third largest earthquake in record history occurred on December 26th 2004, leading to one of the most devastating natural disasters ever. The Indian Ocean tsunami the quake created ravaged over a dozen countries and killed well over 200,000 people. While the countries hit the hardest are still in the midst of recovering, of course the event has led to it being a reference point in Hollywood movies. Clint Eastwood's Hereafter(Zzzzz...) recreated the destruction rather impressively, but it's nothing compared to what Spanish director J.A. Bayona has in store for us with The Impossible.

We saw a teaser for the film a few months ago, which featured Ewan McGregor and Naomi Watts as parents who take their three sons on a Christmas vacation to Thailand, only to literally be swept into the tidal wave of the horrific natural catastrophe. The latest trailer boasts some incredible visuals, specifically of the tsunami's incredible power, and while it's rather badly dubbed in Spanish the emotions at play are unmistakable. You expect Watts and McGregor to bring their A-game to the table, especially for a film as topical and impactful as this. The surprise is Bayona, who made a splash directing The Orphanage, veering away from the genre films to do something completely different.

The film will release in Spain on October 12th, and while Summit Entertainment has the U.S. distribution rights they haven't set a release date just yet. Check out the trailer for The Impossible below....[Twitch]