
Check out the 90-second trailer for 'The Dark Knight Rises' Blu-Ray!

Now that we've all got our copies of The Avengers sitting neatly on our shelves, is there any other Blu-Ray more anticipated than The Dark Knight Rises? Hell no there isn't, and Warner Bros. is taking advantage of it by releasing multiple versions in different packaging and each with their own unique special features. Kind of a cheap ploy to make you buy them all, but you know there will be more than a few who do.

A new 90-second trailer has been released to hype the December 4th release, and along with reliving some of the film's most thrilling moments, it also gives us a taste of the bonus material that all of the Blu-Rays will include. A history of the Batmobile is one of the features I'm most looking forward to, along with the featurette on the making of the film, titled Ending the Knight.

You can order The Dark Knight Rises on Blu-Ray/DVD combo right now for $24.99 by going here. Or if you're a real die hard like I am, then you're going to want the version with the collectible limited edition Bat Cowl, yours here for only $35.99. Check out the trailer below....