
Rachel Weisz joins Robert Pattinson and Viggo Mortensen in David Cronenberg's 'Maps to the Stars'

David Cronenberg's Cosmopolis turned out to be quite the head-scratcher, and I'm not sure even his fans were able to get behind it. It looked for awhile like there would be something of a return to normalcy with the developing Eastern Promises sequel, but that flamed out. Fortunately one of Cronenberg's long-developing projects appears to be picking up steam.

Rachel Weisz is the latest to join Maps to the Stars, an industry satire penned by Brad Wagner that has been described as "very acerbic" and follows agents, actors, and managers with an emphasis on two children ruined by Hollywood depravity. In the works since around 2006, the film gained momentum earlier this year when Robert Pattinson came aboard, and Viggo Mortensen has now been confirmed as well. Pattinson, Mortensen, Weisz, and Cronenberg? Yeah, I'll take that.

I didn't enjoy Cosmopolis one bit, and Pattinson was awful in it, but maybe the second time will be the charm? Surely something will rub off on him working alongside Mortensen and Weisz. Filming is set to begin in May. [Allocine via ThePlaylist]