
Adam Driver Joins Martin Scorsese's 'Silence'; Nick Nolte Added to 'Noah'

The third season of HBO's Girls debuted over the weekend, which no doubt has Lena Dunham fans (and fans of her boobs) dancing in the streets. While she and many of the women on that show have raised their profile significantly, the biggest breakout has been co-star Adam Driver. Over the last couple of years he's worked alongside Stephen Spielberg, the Coen Brothers, Noah Baumbach, Clint Eastwood, and is getting mentioned for major franchise flicks like Batman vs. Superman and Star Wars: Episode VII. So what's next up for him? How about working with Martin Scorsese?

Driver has joined Scorsese's long-developing adaptation of Silence, based on the Shusaku Endo novel about a pair of 17th century Jesuit priests who face persecution while spreading Christianity in Japan. Andrew Garfield, Ken Watanabe, and Issei Ogata are set to star. The only question is if Scorsese will actually get around to filming it this year as suspected. A July start date was mentioned before but doesn't seem to be set in stone just yet. [Showbiz411]

From one potential project to one that is nearing completion; Nick Nolte is a late addition to the cast of Darren Aronofsky's Biblical epic, Noah. The director tweeted the announcement, revealing that Nolte would be taking on the role of the Watcher Samyaza, the part which previously had Mark Margolis attached.  Samyaza is a fallen angel whose interactions with humans bore God's wrath, leading directly to the Great Flood. Noah opens on March 28th.