
'The Incredibles 2' and 'Cars 3' In the Works

The days of Pixar releasing wholly unique animated films every year are long gone, in favor of sequels and 3D re-releases of their most cherished classics. They are a part of the Disney juggernaut, after all, and keeping these profitable brands churning is a priority.  One film everyone has actually been asking for was a sequel to The Incredibles, and while there has been off-and-on talk about it, the prospect seemed unlikely. Until now that is with the announcement that The Incredibles 2 is finally going to happen.

Disney's Bob Iger revealed that a sequel to Brad Bird's 2004 superhero comedy is in the planning stages with Bird writing the script. No word on if he will direct or if they'll turn to another of their talented group for the job. Bird has moved on to live-action films, directing Mission: Impossible-Ghost Protocol and the upcoming Tomorrowland. Iger also announced that Cars 3 is in the works, this despite the lukewarm reception to Cars 2. Despite that, it still made $560M worldwide and probably a lot more in merchandising, so a sequel was never really in doubt. It doesn't look like it will have anything to do with the spinoff franchise, Planes,

No release dates on these yet but stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.