
Michael B. Jordan Says 'Fantastic Four' is Still Evolving

We haven't seen much from Josh Trank's currently-filming Fantastic Four reboot, yet it's still making a lot of noise and causing fans to get anxious. Earlier this week Kate Mara, who plays Susan Storm aka Invisible Woman, said the story wouldn't be based on any specific comic and that had some fanboys worried. But one who isn't at all concerned is Michael B. Jordan, who has already created waves by taking on the role of Johnny Storm. Speaking with MTV, Jordan agrees the production has basically been secreted away from the press, and says Trank's evolving plans are part of the reason...

Jordan: "We have been pretty much in our own world, that's really the only way we could get a project like this done. It is so massive, so many moving parts, so many moving pieces, things are changing every day...The script is evolving, [you make] on set decisions on the fly, things are always constantly changing. Me personally, I block out that extra noise and I focus on the job I have to do. It is an important film for all of us… We’re taking it seriously, taking a lot of risks. I think it’s going to pay off."

Learning that Trank is doing things "on the fly" probably isn't going to calm fan fears, but Jordan insists there is a plan in place and that it calls for a very different Fantastic Four than we've ever seen on screen....

Jordan: "As much as everybody thinks that these projects are cemented in years before, they’re not. There’s so many things that you just can’t account for. You know, you can try and plan as much as you want, but you get there on game day and you get thrown a curve ball, I guess, hey, the game plan goes out the window. You’ve got to adapt.Josh’s vision is very clear and he knows exactly what he wants, and he gives us room to adapt and to play. That’s what I kind of think sets us apart, is that this is going to be grounded and unconventional. It’s not your typical superhero film, you know, we aren’t looking at this as like, being superheroes. We’re more or less a bunch of kids that had an accident and we have disabilities now that we have to cope with, and try to find a life afterwards – try to be as normal as we can."

Looking at their powers as disabilities is interesting even if it doesn't make a lot of sense except in the case of Ben Grimm.  There's no official confirmation 20th Century Fox will have the film at Comic-Con but the rumors are the cast will be there. Hopefully we'll get some footage and maybe some more info on Fantastic Four then.